Software Policy (continued)
- Approval for Purchase of Software.
To purchase software, users must obtain the approval of their supervisor or area manager and Information Technology, then follow the same procedures for the acquisition of other assets.
- Acquisition of Software.
All software acquired the Company must be purchased through Information Technology. Software may not be purchased through user corporate credit cards, petty cash, travel or entertainment budgets. Software acquisition channels are restricted to ensure that the Company has a complete record of all software that has been purchased for Company computers and can register, support, and upgrade such software accordingly.
- Registration of Software.
All software must first be delivered to the software manager so he/she can complete registration and inventory requirements. The software manager is responsible for completing the registration card and returning it to the software publisher. Software must be registered in the name of the Company. Because of personnel turnover, software will never be registered in the name of the individual user. The software manager maintains a register of all software and will keep a library of software licenses. The register must contain: a) the title and publisher of the software; b) the date and source of software acquisition; c) the location of each installation as well as the serial number of the hardware on which each copy of the software is installed; d) the name of the authorized user; e) the existence and location of back-up copies; f) the software product's serial number.
- Installation of Software.
After the registration requirements above have been met, the software will be installed by Information Technology. Manuals, tutorials, and other user materials will be provided to the user. A copy of the applicable license agreement will be provided to the user. Once installed on the hard drive, the original diskettes will be kept in a safe storage area maintained by the software manager.
- Home Computers.
Company computers are organization-owned assets and must be kept both software legal and virus free. Only software purchased through the procedures outlined above may be used on Company machines. Users are not permitted to bring software from home and load it onto Company computers. Generally, organization-owned software cannot be taken home and loaded on a user's home computer if it also resides on a computer at the Company. If a user is to use software at home, the Company will purchase a separate package and record it as an organization-owned asset in the software register. However, some software companies provide in their license agreements that home use is permitted under certain circumstances. If a user needs to use software at home, he/she should consult with the software manager to determine if appropriate licenses allow for home use.
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